HomeGymIndia.in is a digital fitness products seller online. We offer digital fitness products for FREE to Indian users.
We are HomeGymIndia.in also known as Home Gym India, HGI, and homegymindia.in. Home Gym India is a local company.
Home Gym India aims to make free downloadable resources for gym goers or home gym users.
Home gym India office is located in Kolkata,India.
Inside HomeGymIndia Office Looks Like This!
Members of Home Gym India
Samarjit Sinha
Our Editorial Process
My editors and I make sure about the accuracy of the data provided in the articles of this website homegymindia.in.
In order to ensure this and to let you know, we have a tagging system in place.
Personally Researched
If you see this tag on the article, it means that I have got my hand dirty while researching the items. I could have personally used the items at a commercial gym, used in my home gym, dig down on the web of the internet to get information or have acquired the item to research and share the information.
Evidence Based
This tag means we have got the information of this blog from scientific research data from the likes of PUBMED, Researchgate, and Google scholer. We will also link the studies from the paragraph where it makes more sense.
If you see this tag, it means the blog or most of the blog is written from my personal experience and ideas that I acquired over the last 10 years.
Expert Reviewed
This tag means some other expert with having professional degree in fitness, diet or a gym owner, dietician or doctor have reviewed the article contents.